Hello and welcome,

Are you interested in the subject of "strategic publications" or are you searching for new ways of protecting your ideas and inventions? Then you've come to the right place! Prior Art Publishing, as a specialist publishing house, will provide you with a complete publication service in accordance with internationally recognized standards.

As a businessperson or an inventor you can benefit in particular from the following services:

  • Simple publication process with a direct contact partner.
  • Low-cost products that can be selected in a modular manner. ››
  • If you wish, we will assist you with drafting a publication article. ››
  • Transmission of your publications to patent offices possible if desired. ››

You can find detailed product information in the products and services section.

You can find extensive background information, areas of possible use and examples of strategic publications in the strategic publications section.

I would also like to refer you to our client testimonials.

Would you like to talk in person? I am happy to be available to you at any time on:
030-26 30 40 25, or by email at: marquard@remove-this.priorartpublishing.de.

Enjoy our website.

Kind regards

Jakob Marquard

PS According to a recent study*, 31.8% of German companies with less than 200 employees use defensive publications. We offer the structured process for doing this. (Survey at the Zentralverband der Elektro- und Elektronikindustrie (German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers' Association), approx. 1600 members)

*Source: 13